SASSA Older Persons Grant Application

In South Africa, there exists a lifeline of support known as the SASSA Older Persons Grant, which serves as a crucial aid for individuals aged 60 and above. This grant provides financial assistance to older citizens, ensuring that they can meet their basic needs and enjoy a dignified life during their golden years. 

For those aged between 60 and 74, the grant currently provides a monthly payment of R2,080, while those aged 75 and older receive R2,100 per month. It’s worth noting that this support is set to increase in October 2023, with the grant rising to R2,090 for those between 60 and 74 and R2,110 for those aged 75 and above. 

This impending change reflects the government’s commitment to the well-being of its elderly population, offering them a brighter financial future.

If you want to know how to apply for an old age pension grant then you need to read this guide carefully. For your assistance, we have written this guide in an easy manner. We have used simple words and vocabulary so people aged 60 and older can read and understand it very well.

So let’s start the guide now and let us know how to get this monthly income support payment from the government.

Who Can Apply for the SASSA Older Persons Grant?

If you want to apply for the SASSA Older Persons Grant in South Africa and you’re between 60 and 74 years old, here’s what you need to know:

  • Who Can Apply: To qualify, you must be a South African citizen, a refugee, a permanent resident, or an asylum seeker. These are the people who can ask for this grant.
  • Age Requirement: You need to be over 60 years old. If you’re 60 to 74 years old, you’re in the right age group.
  • South African Resident: You should be living in South Africa to apply. This grant is for people who call South Africa home.
  • Means Test: There’s something called a “means test,” but you don’t need to worry about it. It’s a way to check if you really need the grant, and it’s included as part of the process.
  • No State Institutions: If you’re staying in a government facility like an old age home, rehab centre, or even in prison, you can’t get this grant.
  • No Other Social Grants: If you’re already getting another social grant, you can’t get the Older Persons Grant. You can only have one social grant at a time. So, make sure you know which one suits you best.

Remember, this grant is here to help you enjoy your retirement years with a bit more financial support.

What Documents Are Needed to Apply for Sassa Older Persons Grant in 2023?

To apply for the SASSA Older Persons Grant in 2023, you’ll need to gather a few important documents. Here’s a list to make it easy for you:

  • Proof of Identity: You’ll need an ID card or any document that proves who you are. If you don’t have an ID, don’t worry. You can still apply by signing an affidavit with the help of a Commissioner of Oaths.
  • For Refugees: If you’re a refugee, it’s a good idea to provide your status permit and your 13-digit refugee ID.
  • Marital Status: If you’re married or widowed, you should have proof of your marital status.
  • Deceased Spouse: If your spouse has passed away, provide a copy of their death certificate.
  • Proof of Residence: Show that you live where you say you do. This can be a utility bill or a letter confirming your address.
  • Income and Assets: You’ll need to disclose your sources of income and any assets you have. This goes for both you and your spouse.
  • Private Pension: If you’re receiving a private pension, have the proof ready to show.
  • Bank Statements: Get copies of your recent three months’ bank statements. This helps SASSA understand your financial situation.
  • Unemployment Benefits: If you’re applying for unemployment benefits, provide either your Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) card (the ‘blue book’) or a discharge certificate from your previous employer if you were employed.

Having these documents in order will make the application process smoother for you, ensuring you get the support you need during your golden years.

How to Apply for Sassa Older Persons Grant in 2023?

There are two methods that you can use to apply for the Sassa Older Persons grant. One is the easiest way to use your smartphone and the other is a bit longer by visiting the office of Sassa. So you can choose your preferred method and apply for this grant today. Here is how.

Online Application:

This is the method that you can use to apply online by sitting on your sofa or bed. There is no requirement for you to visit the office in this method. So it is a convenient way to apply for a grant.

  1. Visit the SRD Website:
    1. Visit the SASSA Services website at
  2. Register an Account:
    1. Click on the “Register” option.
    2. Fill out the registration form with the following details:
      1. Select your citizenship status (South African citizen/ permanent resident/ refugee or asylum seeker).
      2. Enter your ID number.
      3. Choose the type of your ID document like temporary ID or permanent ID.
      4. Confirm your ID number.
      5. Select your title (Mr/ Mrs/ Miss).
      6. Provide your surname and full name.
      7. Enter your email address.
      8. Choose a password for your account. It should be strong and have a mixup of numbers, letters, symbols and capital letters as well.
      9. Confirm your chosen password.
      10. Enter your phone number which is a 10 digits number starting with 0.
  1. Account Confirmation:
    1. After submitting the registration form, you will receive a One-Time Password (OTP) on your registered cellphone number.
    2. Use this OTP to confirm your account.
  2. Log In:
    1. Once your account is confirmed, log in to your newly created account using your email address and password.
  1. Start the Application:
    1. From your account dashboard, you can initiate the application process for the Older Persons Grant.
    2. Fill out the grant registration form with all the valid details.
    3. Attach all the required documents.
    4. Submit the application for approval.

Now you need to wait for your grant application approval and then get ready to collect your cash from any Sassa office or bank as well.

SASSA Office Application:

  1. Locate a SASSA Office:
    1. Find the nearest SASSA office in your area. You can use the SASSA website or inquire locally to identify the closest office. Or you can check the Sassa contacts page to check out all the office addresses of Sassa.
  1. Gather Required Documents:
    1. Collect all the necessary documents listed in a previous response, including proof of identity, marital status, residence, income, and bank statements.
  1. Visit the SASSA Office:
    1. Visit the SASSA office during their operating hours. Be prepared to wait, as there may be a queue.
  1. Application Assistance:
    1. Approach the SASSA staff at the office for assistance with your Older Persons Grant application.
  1. Complete the Application:
    1. Fill out the application form provided by the SASSA staff. Ensure that you provide accurate and complete information.
  1. Document Submission:
    1. Submit all the required documents along with your application form.
  1. Application Review:
    1. SASSA will review your application and documents to determine your eligibility for the Older Persons Grant.

If needed, follow up with the SASSA office to inquire about the status of your application.

Remember that the online method offers the convenience of applying from home, while the SASSA office application involves a physical visit to their office. 

Choose the method that suits you best, and ensure that you have all the necessary documents in order for a smooth application process.

Benefits of the SASSA Older Persons Grant

The SASSA Older Persons Grant offers several important benefits to eligible recipients in South Africa. These benefits include:

  • Financial Support: The grant provides a monthly financial stipend to help older persons meet their basic living expenses. This financial assistance can greatly improve their quality of life.
  • Dignity in Retirement: It enables elderly individuals to maintain their dignity and independence during their retirement years by ensuring they have the means to cover essential expenses such as food, housing, and healthcare.
  • Improved Well-Being: With the grant’s financial support, older persons can access better nutrition and healthcare, leading to improved physical and mental well-being.
  • Reduced Financial Burden: It helps to reduce the financial burden on older individuals and their families, allowing them to live more comfortably and with reduced reliance on family members for financial assistance.
  • Social Inclusion: The grant helps older persons stay connected to their communities and society by allowing them to participate in social activities and maintain a decent standard of living.
  • Healthcare Access: It enables elderly individuals to afford essential healthcare services and medications, which can lead to better health outcomes and an enhanced quality of life.
  • Security and Peace of Mind: Knowing that they have a regular source of income, older persons experience greater security and peace of mind, reducing stress and anxiety associated with financial instability.
  • Independence: The grant promotes independence among older individuals, allowing them to make choices about their own lives and care, rather than relying solely on family members for support.
  • Alleviating Poverty: It plays a crucial role in alleviating poverty among older persons, reducing the risk of elderly citizens falling into extreme poverty and destitution.
  • Financial Planning: The grant provides a predictable source of income, allowing older persons to plan for their future and manage their finances more effectively.

So it is a complete package for the older persons in South Africa. They can live with dignity while fulfilling their basic needs. There is no need for them to work at this age to buy basic items like food and medications.

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