Sassa Foster Child Grant

The Sassa Foster Child Grant (FCG) stands as a crucial financial support offered by the South African government. It is designed to provide much-needed support to foster parents across the nation. This grant is dedicated to ensuring the welfare of children under the age of 18. Also,  recognizing the important role of foster parents in nurturing the future of South Africa. As of September 2023, foster parents receive a monthly grant payment of R1,120 for each eligible child in their care. 

It’s important to note that the value of this grant undergoes periodic adjustments, typically occurring in October and April every six months. It reflects the government’s commitment to addressing the evolving needs of its citizens. In this guide, we will delve deeper into the intricacies of the Sassa Foster Child Grant, offering valuable insights for those seeking to understand and access this vital support system.

Who Can Apply for Sassa Foster Child Grant?

Eligibility for the FCG is determined by several key factors, all of which are essential for applicants to meet. Applicants must be South African citizens, Permanent Residents, Refugees, or Asylum Seekers, ensuring a diverse range of caregivers can access this support. Moreover, the applicant must be the legal caretaker of a foster child, with the foster child also holding the same citizenship status.

To ensure that this grant reaches those who need it most, the South African government has established these criteria that applicants must meet. Below, we outline the key requirements and steps for eligibility:

1. Citizenship and Status:

The applicant must be a South African Citizen, Permanent Resident, Refugee, or Asylum Seeker. This criterion underscores the government’s commitment to supporting a diverse range of individuals who provide care for foster children.

2. Caretaker Status:

To qualify for the FCG, the applicant must be the legal caretaker of a foster child. This requirement ensures that the grant is directed towards those who have assumed responsibility for the upbringing of foster children.

3. Foster Child’s Citizenship:

The foster child, for whom the grant is sought, should also be a South African Citizen, Permanent Resident, Refugee, or Asylum Seeker. This ensures that the grant benefits children who fall within the defined scope of eligibility.

4. Age Limit for Foster Child:

The eligible foster child must be under the age of 18. This age limit aligns with the legal definition of a child in South Africa and ensures that support is provided during their formative years.

5. Court Order for Placement:

The foster child should be in the care of the applicant by the order of the court. This critical requirement reflects the legal and protective nature of foster care arrangements in South Africa.

6. Court Order Criteria:

The court order should specifically pertain to orphaned, abandoned, abused, at-risk, or neglected children. This provision underscores the government’s commitment to safeguarding vulnerable children and providing them with the care and support they deserve.

7. Additional Requirements:

Applicants are encouraged to contact their local Sassa offices or social service centres for comprehensive guidance on the specific documents and paperwork required to demonstrate eligibility.

What Documents Are Required to Apply for a Child Foster Grant?

To apply for a Child Foster Grant in South Africa, several essential documents are required to establish eligibility and facilitate the application process. These documents are crucial in verifying the applicant’s status as a foster parent and ensuring that the child in their care meets the grant’s eligibility criteria. Here is a comprehensive list of the necessary documents:

  • Child’s Birth Certificate or Sworn Statement on Affidavit: A copy of the child’s birth certificate must be required. However, if the child’s birth certificate is unavailable, applicants can submit a sworn statement on an affidavit as an alternative. This affidavit should provide information about the child’s identity and circumstances.
  • South African ID of the Foster Parent or Sworn Statement on Affidavit: The South African Identity Document (ID) of the foster parent is a primary document for establishing their identity and eligibility. If the foster parent does not possess a valid ID, they must complete a sworn statement on an affidavit, detailing their identity and reasons for not having an ID.
  • Refugee ID and Status Permit (For Refugees): Refugees applying for the Child Foster Grant must provide their Refugee ID and status permit to confirm their refugee status and eligibility.
  • Spouse’s ID (For Married Applicants): If the applicant is married, they need to submit the South African ID of their spouse as part of the application process.
  • Marriage Proof (For Married Foster Parents): Married foster parents must provide proof of their marriage. This can include a marriage certificate or a divorce order if they are divorced. Additionally, if the spouse is deceased, the death certificate of the spouse should be submitted.
  • Court Order Confirming Foster Parent Status: A copy of the court order that legally establishes the applicant as the foster parent of the child is a fundamental document. This court order demonstrates the legal responsibility and caregiving role of the foster parent.
  • Affidavit with Sworn Statement: Applicants may be required to sign an affidavit that includes a sworn statement. This affidavit can serve various purposes, such as confirming the accuracy of the information provided, explaining any special circumstances, or verifying the authenticity of the documents submitted.

These documents collectively play a crucial role in the application process for the Child Foster Grant. Ensuring that all necessary documentation is complete and accurate is essential to facilitate the grant approval process and provide foster children with the vital support they need in South Africa. 

Applicants are encouraged to contact their local South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) office or social service centre for specific guidance on document submission and application procedures.

Application Process for Sassa Foster Child Grant

Gather Necessary Documents: Begin by collecting all required documents, including proof of identity, citizenship status, and the court order establishing your status as the legal caretaker of the foster child.

  • Visit a Sassa Office or Website: Locate your nearest South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) office or social service centre. These offices are equipped to assist with FCG applications and provide guidance throughout the process. Alternatively, you can visit the SRD website if you want to apply online.
  • Complete the Application Form: Fill out the Foster Child Grant application form provided by Sassa. Ensure that all information is accurate and up to date.
  • Submit Your Application: Submit the completed application form, along with all required documents, to your local Sassa office or on the website. Be prepared to provide any additional information or attend interviews if requested.
  • Await Notification: After submitting your application, Sassa will review your eligibility and documentation. You will be notified of the outcome of your application.
  • Payment: If your application is approved, you will begin receiving the monthly grant payment of R1,120 for each eligible foster child, effective from September 2023, with adjustments occurring approximately every six months.

Remember that eligibility criteria and application procedures will evolve over time, so it’s essential to stay informed through official Sassa channels or local offices to ensure a smooth application process and continued support for foster children in your care.

What are the Benefits of the Sassa Foster Child Grant?

The Sassa Foster Child Grant offers vital assistance to South African foster parents, ensuring the well-being of their children. Here are the benefits, briefly explained with variation:

  • Financial Support: The grant provides essential financial aid to foster parents, helping meet the child’s needs.
  • Monthly Payment: Foster parents receive a monthly payment of R1,120 per eligible child.
  • Stability: Financial stability is ensured, promoting a secure environment for fostered children.
  • Basic Needs: The grant covers food, clothing, education, and other basic necessities.
  • Healthcare: Assistance with healthcare costs, including medical check-ups and treatments.
  • Educational Support: Foster children can access education, enhancing their future prospects.
  • Psychosocial Care: Supports the emotional well-being of fostered children through stability and care.
  • Court Recognition: Legal recognition through court orders, ensuring child protection.
  • Evolutionary Adjustments: Grant value adjusts approximately every six months, adapting to changing needs.
  • Holistic Care: The grant encompasses a wide spectrum of support, fostering holistic child development.
  • Reduced Financial Strain: Eases financial burdens on foster parents, improving the quality of care.
  • Social Inclusion: Helps foster children integrate into society with dignity and support.
  • Long-Term Impact: Positive influences on children’s lives can lead to a brighter future.
  • Legal Protection: Court orders safeguard children in foster care, ensuring their rights.
  • Empowerment: Grant empowers foster parents to provide a nurturing, stable environment.
  • Community Well-Being: Benefits extend to fostering community well-being and child welfare.

The Sassa Foster Child Grant plays a pivotal role in nurturing and protecting South Africa’s future generations, offering a lifeline to those who need it most.


How much is the foster care grant in 2023?

In 2023, the Sassa Foster Care Grant provides R1,120 per eligible foster child per month.

Who qualifies for the Sassa foster care grant?

The Sassa Foster Care Grant is available to South African citizens, permanent residents, refugees, and asylum seekers. They should also be the legal caretakers of foster children under 18. Also, they must provide court orders specifying the orphaned, abandoned, abused, at-risk, or neglected status of that child.

How do I check the status of my Sassa foster care?

To check the status of your Sassa Foster Care Grant, contact your local Sassa office or visit the Sassa website for online inquiry services.

Can I apply for 2 or 3 foster children?

Yes, you can apply for and receive the Foster Care Grant for up to three eligible foster children, provided you meet the grant’s eligibility criteria for each child.


Sassa child foster grant is a blessing for those children who have no one to take care of them. They will get good food, clothes, education, environment and all other basic necessities with the grant payment. Also, children are the future of our country so providing them with an education and environment, will improve society. So you can apply for a Sassa foster grant if you are eligible for this.

Moreover, the amount is also good and can fulfil the basic needs of any child easily. So you will not feel a burden if you are taking care of any foster child.

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